
Naviance is a web-based resource for students and families that encourages and supports college and post-secondary career planning. In Naviance, students are able to search colleges and explore careers based on interests and career clusters.

Student Access to Naviance
Naviance can be accessed from your student’s ClassLink account using their Round Rock ISD email login information.

Parent/Guardian Access to Naviance
Parents and Guardians can receive access to their own Naviance account to support their child’s college and career exploration using the Naviance tools. If you are interested in receiving access to Naviance, please submit a request via Let’s Talk.

Cedar Ridge High School CTE nursing students

Research Colleges
Naviance gives students the ability to research colleges, college admissions requirements, college majors, etc. Additionally, you can research schools with the characteristics that are most important to you. These tools will then allow you to create your own prospective colleges list.

McNeil High School graduates

Research Careers
Naviance offers an array of features to help students explore career options and identify careers of interest. These features include career exploration and assessments connected to career clusters, interest areas, personality types, learning styles, and more!
Career cluster exploration in Naviance can provide useful information to students and families to support students’ selection of Round Rock ISD High School Academies and Programs of Study. For more information, please refer to the Round Rock ISD Academies and Naviance Career Clusters Crosswalk as well as our Career and Technical Education website.